Privacy Policy
It is important to us that you understand and are happy with how we use your information. Please take time to read this Privacy Notice in full.
Data Subjects
are people like you, who have contacted us to use our services and receive information from us about our services and the work we do.
What we do with your personal data?
We use your personal data to help us organise the services and information you have asked us to provide you with and to keep you informed about those services. We can do this because we have a legitimate interest in knowing who is using our services and keeping records of the advice we have given or products we have supplied to you so that we can offer you accurate and appropriate advice. Additional optional information will only be kept and used with your consent.
Your right to withdraw consent at any time
You can tell us that you no longer wish us to use your data in this way and, if you do, we must stop using it as soon as is reasonably practical
Your right to require the erasure of your data (right to be forgotten)
If you no longer wish us to have or use your data you can tell us to remove your data completely from our records and we must do so as soon as is reasonably practical
Who gets to see your personal data?
We only share your personal data with other people when it is necessary to do so in order for us to run our activities efficiently and in the way that you would like. We may share your personal data, if requested to do so, for the purposes of contact tracing in connection with any approved Government or NHS ‘Test and Trace Scheme’ related to the COVID19 pandemic. We do not share your data with anyone else.
How long do we keep your personal data?
We only keep your personal data for as long as is necessary to provide services to you or until you tell us not to keep it.
We do not transfer your personal data to other countries
The existence of each of your rights Under the General Data Protection Regulation you have the following rights:
1. to be told about what data we have, how and what we use it for, and who we share it with (as we are doing in this Privacy Notice);
2. to be given access to your personal data;
3. to have any errors corrected or incomplete data completed;
4. to stop us using your data if you think our use is unjustified or the data are inaccurate.
Your legal obligation
You are under no legal obligation to give us your personal data if you do not wish to.
The existence of automated decision making, including profiling
The Charity does not use computers to analyse your data in order to make computer decisions about what communications the charity should, or should not, send to you.
The right to complain to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office:
If you are dissatisfied with the way that the Charity is collecting, holding, processing and using your personal data you are entitled to complain to the Information Commission.
Identity and contact details of the controller.
The Charity’s Data Controller is the Board of Trustees of Accrington & District Blind Society
The Controller can be contacted via:
The Chair, Accrington & District Blind Society,
32 Bank Street,
Phone: 01254 233332
Information Commissioner Office No.: ZA338002